
Student Corner

Student Corner


Students' Identity Card:

Identity Cards will be issued to the bonafide students from the College Office at the time of admission. Possession of identity card is COMPULSORY during college hours on all working days, on the days of meeting, college festivals, and on any other occasion. In the event of loss of identity card a duplicate of the same will be issued on payment of Rs. 100/- (One Hundred) only.

Students' Union:

It is a General Body of the students of the college. The bonafide students of the college are the members of the union. The office bearers of the students' union are selected annually. The office bearers of the Students' Union will be responsible for maintaining discipline amongst the College Students. It must also make arrangement for the following occasions:

  1. Freshers' Social
  2. Students' Union Body Selection
  3. College Week and Annual Function
  4. Saraswati Puja



A student should attend at least 80% of the classes held, failing which he/she may be penalised by imposing fine or debarred from appearing in the final examination.

Progress Report:

Progress Report Card indicating the performance of the students will be sent to the guardians after every examination. The report card must be returned to the Principal after being signed by the guardian.

Students' Aid Fund:

The Students' Aid Fund of the Academy will provide financial assistance to a few poor but meritorious students. The assistance will be exclusively determined by the College Authority and the same is subject to availability of balance in the said fund.