Admission Procedure:
Application for admission to the college will be accepted int the prescribed from alongwith the
photocopies of testimonials within the date as notified and fixed by the principal. Prospectus and forms
can be had from the college office on payment of Rs. 100/- (One Hundred) only on all working days.
students are selected for admission strictly on merit basis. There is a provision for reservation of
seats for students belonging to ST/SC/OBC/MOBC. A few seats are reserved for students having Proficiency
in sports, cultural activities, N.C.C, N.S.S. etc. Date of admission to H.S, B.COM and B.A class will be
notified on the college notice board. Students are required to produce at the time of admission, the
original copies of the following documents/testimonials:
For H.S 1st Year:
- Marksheet of the H.S.L.C. Examination.
- Age proof (H.S.L.C. Pass Certificate Admit Card/Birth Certificate, etc.)
- Character Certificate from the Head of the institution last attended.
- Caste Certificate where necessary.
- Four recent passport size photographs.
- Migration Certificate where necessary.
- Gap Certificate where necessary.
For H.S 2nd Year:
- Marksheet of the H.S. 1st Year Examination.
- Four recent passport size photographs.
For B.A & B.COM Classes:
- Marksheet of the H.S. Final Examination.
- Registration Certificate of the A.H.S.E.C. or other equivalent boards.
- Testimonial from Head of the institution last attended.
- Caste Certificate where necessary.
- Four recent passport size photographs.
- Migration Certificate where necessary.
- Gap Certificate where necessary.
N.B. :- The College authority reser ves the right to reject an
application for admission without assigning any reason thereof.
Provisional Admission:
seeking provisional admission are required to submit the photocopies of the following documents
alongwith the prescribed application form:
Admission will stand cancelled if original copies of (a)
H.S.L.C./H.S. marksheet and (b) Character Certificate/Testimonial from the School/College last attended
are not submitted within 10 days from the date of announcement of result of the H.S.L.C. /H.S. Exam.
- H.S.L.C. / H.S. Examination Admit Card.
- Caste Certificate (if required)
- Two recent passport size photographs.